Marjatta’s tireless work as Chair of the Society was marked on Independence Day 2015 by the award of Knight (First Class) of the Order of the Lion of Finland. The formal investiture was carried by the Ambassador, H E Ms Päivi Luostarinen, at her Residence on 16th February. The award was made in recognition of over 30 years of work in Britain for Finland and the Finn-British community and their organisations. The authorities had in mind her contribution to the great series of events which we had in our centenary year, in particular her negotiations to get approval for a commemorative plaque for Edward Westermarck and the international conference honouring his work which she organised more or less single-handed, and more recently the leadership which she has shown in planning public events for next year to mark the centenary of Finland’s independence. Those who can read Finnish will be interested to see the profile of Marjatta which was published in Helsingin Sanomat on 22 February – read more at (in Finnish): Nainen, joka on tehokas kuin tornado – Marjatta Bell on edistänyt Suomen ja Britannian suhteita 1970-luvulta lähtien – Ihmisiä |